
UX/UI design services

We create immersive digital experiences for our clients — products, services and systems that make an emotional connection.

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UX design you can feel working

Steve Jobs once said, “Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.” At Matrix we create elegant, streamlined UX/UI design solutions that guarantee customer satisfaction because they just work.

Our design solutions work because we’re driven by empathy for you and your users. We remove friction and create rewarding journeys through behavioural research, user testing, analytics and collaborative feedback.

The Matrix UX/UI process — capturing your brand personality

As results-driven UX/UI designers, we boost conversions through enhanced customer engagement.
UX/UI audits
Detailed UX/UI audits to assess how users interact with your digital product. We do this through quantitative analytics, benchmarking and hands-on evaluation of each aspect of the user journey.
Discovery workshops
A collaborative deep dive — defining your key goals and persona profiles, and leading with a user-centric information architecture, sitemap and design system.
We design for people
User experience isn’t about computers or technology. It's about anticipating people’s needs through empathy and behavioural research and guiding them on a journey.
Branding is an ongoing story that defines your business. At Matrix we tell this story through creative thinking, collaboration and positive transformation.
Responsive design
We take a mobile-first approach to design, from page layout to navigation. Your users will have a consistent, quality experience on any device.
We design user experiences for people of all abilities. Our digital products all meet Web design Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 Level AA at least.
Testing and research
Optimise UX and boost conversions through data-driven testing and iterative design stages.
20+ years of bringing business to a new level online


Years of experience


Digital projects delivered


Nationalities in a global team


Committed to our clients

Matrix Internet Web Agency Teamwork

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Global solutions from an international team

Meeting your UX and branding needs through expertise and experience in design thinking methodologies.
Zahra Alboqub

Zahra Alboqub

UX Designer

Zahra Alboqub

UX Designer

Zahra is a UX specialist and a creative designer with an MSc in User Experience Design. She is a creative problem solver, and an advocate for accessibility and user-centric processes. When she’s not in a workshop or wireframing, you’ll find her exploring new cities, editing videos and photos, or attending design events.

Nick Cloake

Nick Cloake

Creative Director

Nick Cloake

Creative Director

Nick is a design veteran of 30+ years, who has spent most of that time fighting bad design. He’s a typography anorak and an ambassador for using exquisite imagery, and loves sharing creative ideas. The founder of Design Business Ireland, his passion is telling clients how design will change their lives.

Fred Voigtländer

Fred Voigtländer

Team Lead Design

Fred Voigtländer

Team Lead Design

Fred is a German UI designer who’s passionate about designing dynamic and engaging user interfaces — and boosting his creativity by sketching and illustrating in his down time. Away from his desk, he swaps his office chair for a bike, running shoes and swimming goggles to train for the next triathlon, or plays the guitar to relax.

Tom Chwiszczuk

Tom Chwiszczuk

Senior Graphic Designer

Tom Chwiszczuk

Senior Graphic Designer

Tom is a Photoshop Archmage level 95. When he feels exhausted after conjuring up digital image spells, he’ll conquer the world and slay mighty dragons in the alternative reality board game realm, or play an ancient game called soccer.

Alan Crotty

Alan Crotty

Principal UX Designer

Alan Crotty

Principal UX Designer

Alan is old school internet with over 25 years of designing websites behind him. A passion for reducing complexity and extracting simplicity keeps him coming back for more. If he’s not designing he’s probably either cooking / eating ramen, tinkering on the guitar or gaming

Giuseppe Ditaranto

Giuseppe Ditaranto

UX/UI Designer

Giuseppe Ditaranto

UX/UI Designer

Giuseppe is an empathic UX and UI designer and a strategic thinker. A curious problem-solver by nature, he loves to know why, how, who... and walk in other people's shoes while materialising his concepts. Outside work, he loves reading, sailing or playing soccer with friends.

Antti Valos

Antti Valos

Senior UI Designer

Antti Valos

Senior UI Designer

Antti is an experienced creative and UI Designer from Finland seasoned in hundreds of website projects. Ever since an HTML class at junior high he was hooked the rest is history. When he’s not fiddling with Figma or Adobe XD you can find him shooting studio photography, traveling or producing Synthwave music.

Stuart Scargill

Stuart Scargill

UI Designer

Stuart Scargill

UI Designer

Stuart is a shamelessly zealous designer based in Ljubljana. He specialises in UI/UX design solutions and has a passion for illustration, branding, graphics, web development, motion design and AR. Away from the computer, he loves going on road trips with his partner and running the forest trails behind his home with his dog.

Bart Ryan

Bart Ryan

UX Researcher / Data Analyst

Bart Ryan

UX Researcher / Data Analyst

Bart is a UX researcher who, after studying psychology in university, aims to apply his knowledge of human behaviour and research skills to the field of user experience. Outside of work, Bart likes to read, explore new countries and watch football with friends.


UX/UI design services are offered by designers and design agencies to create and enhance the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of digital products and services.
Good UX/UI design services aim to create digital products that are not only visually appealing but also functional, easy to use, and aligned with the goals of the business or organisation. These services often require a combination of creative design skills, user research, and a deep understanding of user psychology and behaviour to create a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

UX design is the process of creating a product with the end user and their interaction with the product in mind. The goal of UX designers is to provide the greatest product while satisfying user demands and goals in a simple, fun, and painless manner.
UX design service deliverables include: 

  • User research: Conducting research to understand user behaviours, needs, and preferences.
  • Information architecture: Structuring content and features to improve navigation and usability.
  • Wireframing and prototyping: Creating visual representations of the interface to plan layout and functionality.
  • Usability testing: Testing designs with users to identify issues and gather feedback for improvement.
  • User flows: Defining the paths users take through a product to ensure smooth interactions.

UI designers ensure that an organisation’s brand, personality, and identity are reflected in all facets of a product’s design.
UI design service deliverables include:: 

  • Visual Design: Crafting the visual elements, including colours, typography, icons, and graphics.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that the design is inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities, following accessibility standards and guidelines.
  • Interactive design: Designing interactive elements like buttons, forms, menus, and other user interface components.
  • Responsive design: Ensuring that the interface works well on different devices and screen sizes.
  • Style guides and design systems: Creating guidelines for maintaining design consistency.

Pixel-perfect design: Paying attention to detail to create a polished and professional UI.

UX/UI design services are essential for creating digital products and services that meet user needs, drive engagement, and contribute to business success. They play a pivotal role in shaping how users perceive and interact with digital experiences, making them a critical component of modern product and service development:


  • Enhanced user satisfaction: Good UX/UI design ensures that users can easily and efficiently interact with a digital product or service. This leads to higher user satisfaction, increased engagement, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • Reduced user frustration: A well-designed user interface minimises confusion and frustration. It guides users through tasks and processes smoothly, reducing the likelihood of errors and abandoned interactions.
  • Improved accessibility: Proper UX/UI design considers accessibility guidelines, making digital products more inclusive and accommodating for users with disabilities. This helps businesses meet legal requirements and serve a wider audience.
  • Increased user engagement: Engaging design elements and a well-thought-out user experience ensure users are more likely to explore additional features, make repeat visits, and become loyal customers.
  • Higher conversion rates: ECommerce websites and apps benefit from UX/UI design that simplifies the purchasing process. An intuitive and trustworthy interface can lead to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.
  • Cost savings: Investing in UX/UI design services upfront can save businesses money in the long run. It reduces the need for extensive post-launch fixes and updates, which can be costly and time-consuming.
  • Competitive advantage: In today’s competitive digital landscape, a well-designed user experience can be a key differentiator. A product or service that is easy and enjoyable to use can give a business a significant edge over its competitors.
  • Brand loyalty: A positive user experience fosters brand loyalty. Users who have a great experience with a product or service are more likely to stick with it and recommend it to others, helping build a strong customer base.
  • Data-driven improvements: UX design often involves user testing and data analysis, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement. This leads to a better product over time.
  • Customer retention: A great user experience keeps customers coming back. Satisfied users are less likely to switch to a competitor’s product or service, contributing to long-term customer retention.
  • Reduced support and training costs: An intuitive user interface reduces the need for extensive user training and customer support, saving time and resources.
  • Global reach: Effective UX/UI design can make a product or service more accessible to users around the world, transcending language and cultural barriers.

Here are some common examples to illustrate how UI and UX design impact different types of applications and new websites:


  • Mobile apps:
    • Weather app: A weather app with a clean and intuitive UI that displays current weather conditions, forecasts, and allows users to easily switch between locations.
    • ECommerce app: An app with a user-friendly shopping cart, product search, and seamless checkout process, along with personalised product recommendations.
  • New Websites:
    • Portfolio website: A designer’s portfolio website with a visually appealing UI that showcases their work through high quality images, interactive galleries, and easy-to-navigate menus.
    • News website: A news website with a well-organised UI that presents articles, images, and videos in an easily digestible format, with clear navigation and search functionality.
  • Software applications:
    • Project management tool: A project management application with an intuitive UX that allows teams to collaborate efficiently, track tasks, and visualise project progress through charts and graphs.
    • Video editing software: Video editing software with a UI that provides a comprehensive set of editing tools, a timeline for precise control, and real-time previews.
  • E-Learning platforms:
    • Online course platform: An e-learning platform with a user-centric UX that offers easy course discovery, progress tracking, interactive quizzes, and engaging multimedia content.
    • Language learning app: A language learning app with gamified UI elements, personalised lesson plans, and social features for language exchange.
  • Social media platforms:
    • Social networking site: A social media platform with an intuitive UI that encourages user engagement, featuring easy posting, commenting, sharing, and personalised content feeds.
    • Image sharing app: An image-sharing app with a simple and elegant UI for uploading, editing, and sharing photos, along with features like filters and geolocation tagging.
  • Financial and banking apps:
    • Mobile Banking App: A mobile banking app with a secure and user-friendly interface for checking balances, transferring funds, paying bills, and managing accounts.
    • Investment platform: An investment app with a clear UI for tracking investments, analysing portfolios, and receiving financial insights.
  • Travel and booking platforms:
    • Hotel booking website: A hotel booking website with an intuitive UX that allows users to search, compare, and book accommodations easily, with clear pricing and reviews.
    • Flight booking app: A flight booking app with a streamlined UI for searching and booking flights, managing reservations, and receiving real-time updates.


Specific design elements and features can vary widely based on the nature of the application and the target audience, but the goal is always to create a positive and efficient user experience.