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Irish IoT Study Launched

Expect to see a lot more about the Internet of Things in the Irish media in 2018. ENABLE, a €14.5 million research project, was launched this week to study how the IoT can improve the quality of life for urban dwellers.

Trinity College Dublin will lead seven other academic institutions in the study, which will involve 60 researchers. Science Foundation Ireland will provide the bulk of the funding, €10 million, while industry partners provide the balance.

Studies will focus on issues such as water management, transportation, air quality, cyber security and of course data protection. Researchers will endeavour to devise new ways of using the IoT in urban areas to make life easier and healthier. It’s an exciting project that could have a lot of knock-on effects for SMEs in Ireland. As researchers detect, examine and clarify new needs, Irish SMEs can meet them.

The IoT has the potential to radically transform the lives of the elderly. It can provide new ways for them to express their needs and for carers to meet them. It could revolutionize medical care. Imagine a medicine cabinet that could notify the chemist when a prescription ran low and devices to help people taking multiple tablets remember to take them at the right times. Commuting would be less of a headache if providers could detect any dramatic increase or decrease in users, and the reader boards that advise us of approaching buses and trains could be only the beginning. The potential for the snack trolley on the train alone is massive.

What about Irish Retailers?

Could this study benefit Irish retailers? As we glean information about how the IoT can improve the lives of the public, aka customers, Irish businesses of all descriptions will be able to gather new insights into how people are using technology. That information can then drive more successful digital marketing campaigns. It could also transform how retail and hospitality businesses function.

Early applications include stock monitoring to ensure items are available, digital mirrors that allow customers to virtually try on clothing and innovations in supply chain logistics. But the potential is there for tremendous expansions. Imagine what the IoT could do in restaurants. Imagine digital menus that instantly deleted items as they ran out. Customers would never again be disappointed to hear that the kitchen had run out of the dish they ordered. It could be a great help to customers with food intolerance. And it could also save busy waitstaff a lot of running back and forth to the kitchen with queries. The technology is there to alert shop staff to customers lingering in one spot. Staff can then see if they require assistance. We can beam personalised offers to customers’ devices in the store. Payment methods are evolving already.

ENABLE project

Retailers in Ireland could also benefit significantly from the insights gained through the ENABLE project. As researchers explore ways to use the IoT to improve the lives of consumers, businesses can gather valuable data to drive more successful digital marketing campaigns and transform their operations. Early applications include stock monitoring to ensure products are always available, digital mirrors that enable customers to virtually try on clothing, and innovations in supply chain logistics. However, the potential for expansion is vast.

We don’t know what the future holds. However, this study will help illuminate the various ways Irish SMEs can incorporate the IoT to make shopping even easier for their customers. As we learn more about how this technology could be better used in urban areas, we can glean much to help us craft more precise strategies to reach and inspire our markets.

As the ENABLE research project sheds light on the myriad ways Irish SMEs can incorporate the IoT, businesses can craft more precise strategies to reach and inspire their markets. By embracing IoT-driven advancements, Irish retailers have the opportunity to make shopping experiences more convenient, efficient, and tailored to customer preferences, ultimately fostering customer loyalty and driving business growth. The IoT’s potential to transform various aspects of retail and hospitality holds exciting prospects for businesses willing to embrace technological innovation.

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