The IEDR or IE Domain Registry is charged with managing the.IE domain name. As a stakeholder in the Irish internet community, the IEDR is deeply committed to helping Irish businesses to succeed online. Through its IEDR Optimise fund, the IEDR aims to help SMEs to gain access to top-level digital agencies and developers. The prize fund has been running for 6 years and in that time, 75 businesses have benefitted from professional digital services to the value of € 750,000.
Optimise is open to any Irish Business with a .ie domain, the application is free of cost and the prizewinners can receive professional services such as :
The most important part of the Optimise fund is the prizewinners, 15 small businesses that will gain the insights and professional help of digital marketers and developers. Every year, the IEDR appoints an agency to provide professional digital marketing consultancy and work to the prizewinners. On the foot of our efforts in 2015, we are delighted that the IEDR have chosen Matrix Internet to continue in the role for 2016.
We will also be providing masterclass workshops to all of the prizewinners around Ireland. The workshops are a fantastic way for the prizewinners to gain access to professional training and also to benefit from “cross table” insights from their fellow prizewinners.
We were officially appointed at the Optimise Fund launch party recently in Fire Restaurant.
By Jeff Sheridan
By Matrix Internet
By Iñaki Castellet Hernández
By Irene Hislop