How visual search is transforming eCommerce 

Image recognition technology is revolutionising user experience in online shopping. It isn’t brand new, but momentum has built to a point where eCommerce sites can’t afford to ignore it any longer.

When you are shopping online, typing in a few words to describe what you want is usually frustrating. “Long-sleeved white shirt”, for example, will generate results featuring everything from a basic button-down Oxford to a long sleeved T-shirt, to a lacy number suitable for a formal night out. 

You can keep adding words. “Women’s business casual button down long-sleeved white shirt with darts” is fairly specific, but it’s pretty annoying when you know exactly what you want. You can see it in your mind’s eye. You might have a picture already, and for the last few years, having a  picture has been saving shoppers a lot of time and frustration if they know how to use visual search in eCommerce.

Visual search is not the same as image search. An image search will only search for similar images. Visual search can bring people to products based on relevant keywords. And that is a powerful tool for online retailers. 

A couple using a tablet in a furniture store, using visual search

Visual search drives sales — a game-changer for retail giants

Retailers such as Ikea, Wayfair and Target were early adopters to visual search. Ikea incorporated visual search technology five years ago in 2019, just before the pandemic. In 2018, Ikea’s global retail sales were €38.8 billion. In 2022, they were €44.6 billion. Obviously, there’s more at play than visual search, but giving the customer the ability to quickly find furniture or décor or clothing that is similar to an image they have makes it extremely easy for them to find exactly what they want. And that is a crucial step in their sales journey.

The innovation behind visual search offers more than search capabilities. AI can go beyond finding shirts similar to an image; it can learn to suggest what to wear with the shirt. This doesn’t benefit every business. Accountants and solicitors might not have much use for it, but most retailers and some services (particularly in the beauty industry) stand to gain from this incredible technology.

Mastering visual search to boost sales

Implementing an effective visual search strategy involves more than using detailed tags. It is not really a DIY project. But you will gain by knowing what your digital marketing and IT  team needs.

  • Develop a clear visual aesthetic for your brand. Yes, that’s always been important, even before computers, but being focused and consistent will help draw the audience who wants to buy what you are selling. This includes your social media.
  • Images should be excellent quality — detailed but not cluttered. While showing context is important, you want it to be obvious to a machine what the key features of the photo are. Use multiple images of the same product from different angles and in different settings.
  • Work with your IT team to develop an image sitemap and keep it current. 

A hand holding a smartphone in front of a clothing rack, using visual search to identify a green coat in a store


Visual search technology draws in your most valuable audience and streamlines the sales funnel while giving the most effortless user experience possible. Used well, it can lead to more sales with more items per purchase and improve brand loyalty.

If your brand is interested in discussing how to best implement visual search to improve sales, we’re here for you. Call us today to learn how we can help your brand grow.

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