Finding Your Digital Voice!

Rold Gold did and look what happened to them!

Have you ever heard of Rold Gold? Nope, neither have I. They are a 100-year-old pretzel company in Philadelphia and they have made an amazing move in reinventing their pretzel and marketing strategy by bringing in digital!

They have created a  new product called “Pretzel Thins”, and promoted it with their most extensive ad campaign since the 1990s according to Adweek.

Ram Krishnan, VP of marketing, is thrilled with the new campaign’s success.

“We were pretty much launching a completely new line of products through social media,” Krishnan exclaimed. “We launched with five videos and got pretty impressive performance.”

Before the company started this, it had a tiny social media presence and now they are seeing its Facebook likes to grow by over 1500 likes a day. This “pretzel-motion” soap opera called House of Gold, starring its new product has really helped them grow into the 21st century!

This campaign was not just a fluke, there were key metrics to show the marketing team that there was an appetite (see what I did there) for this in the American market! One sign of the popularity of this pretzel innovation:
Rival Pretzel Crisps sold two years ago for $340 million.)

The campaign is targeting working women longing for a break in the middle of the workday,” he said. The pretzel chip arena is blowing up right now and, Rold Gold have spotted this!


But why should you go digital now? Krishnan said “We have to justify every single dollar that we spend,” Majority of things are becoming accountable now and if you can’t measure it, how can you tell how successful it is? The platforms are making it easier to measure, so there is no reason not to!

 “We feed that social media input into the model and see the impact on sales.”

Rold Gold wouldn’t show us how well the product is selling, but they are not alone in demanding better sales metrics. These are metrics digital marketing can provide where historically they have been hard to quantify.

How successful is the campaign?

There are signs that the campaign is drawing interest online which is a great start. The funny Web series eludes to episodes of the lifestyles of the “rich and salty,”. They have pushed it by promoting posts on Facebook, ads on YouTube (nearly 1.3 million views)  and on Twitter. The company is keeping its feet well and truly on the ground though

‘We’re under no misconception, “We do need to put paid media to promote this stuff.”

Is there any other company which implemented a similar model?

Yes, many companies have implemented similar digital marketing and social media strategies to reinvent their image, reach new audiences, and boost sales. Here are a few examples:

Old Spice
The Old Spice “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign featuring Isaiah Mustafa became a viral sensation. The brand effectively used humour and social media to engage a younger audience.

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign challenged conventional beauty standards and gained traction through social media and YouTube. They used storytelling and user-generated content to create a powerful message.

Oreo’s real-time marketing during the 2013 Super Bowl blackout is often cited as a prime example of seizing a social media moment. They tweeted a clever image within minutes of the blackout, which went viral.

Burger King
Burger King has been praised for its social media campaigns, such as the “Subservient Chicken” and the “Whopper Sacrifice.” These campaigns engage users by inviting them to participate and create user-generated content.

Taco Bell
Taco Bell has used social media platforms like Twitter and Snapchat to engage with its younger audience effectively. They have often responded to customers with witty and humorous content.

Dollar Shave Club
Dollar Shave Club used a humorous and unconventional video marketing approach to promote its subscription-based razor service. The viral video generated massive attention and helped establish the brand.

Airbnb leverages user-generated content and storytelling on social media to showcase unique travel experiences. They engage hosts and guests to share their stories and create a sense of community.

These companies recognized the changing landscape of marketing and consumer behaviour, leveraging digital channels and social media to connect with their target audiences in innovative and memorable ways. Each of these examples showcases how digital marketing and social media can be powerful tools for rebranding and growth in the modern age.

Is there any downside to this approach?

While digital marketing and social media strategies can be highly effective, they are not without their downsides and challenges. Here are some potential drawbacks to consider:

Reputation Management: Social media can amplify both positive and negative sentiments. Negative comments or customer experiences can quickly go viral, potentially damaging a company’s reputation. Companies need to be prepared to address criticism and handle online crises promptly.

Privacy Concerns
The collection and use of customer data for targeted advertising can raise privacy concerns. Companies must navigate regulations like GDPR and CCPA and be transparent about data usage to avoid legal issues and maintain customer trust.

Over Saturation
The digital space is crowded, and consumers are inundated with content and advertisements. It can be challenging to stand out amidst the noise and capture users’ attention.

Algorithm Changes
Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms, affecting the visibility of content. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, making it necessary to adapt and experiment continually.

Negative Virality
While going viral can be a positive outcome, it can also happen for the wrong reasons. A poorly thought-out or controversial campaign can lead to backlash and harm the brand.

Resource Intensive
Effective digital marketing and social media management requires time, effort, and often financial resources. Smaller businesses with limited budgets may struggle to compete effectively.

Measurement Challenges
While digital marketing offers more data and metrics than traditional methods, it can be challenging to determine the exact ROI of every campaign. Attribution models and tracking customer journeys can be complex.

Dependency on Third-party Platforms
Companies relying heavily on social media platforms are subject to changes in those platforms’ policies and algorithms. These changes can impact reach and engagement.

Security Risks
With the increasing integration of digital tools and data, companies face cybersecurity risks. Data breaches can be costly and damaging to both finances and reputation.

Short Attention Spans
Online audiences have short attention spans. Capturing and maintaining their interest can be difficult, especially with lengthy or complex content.

Content Creation Challenges
Consistently producing high-quality content can be demanding. Maintaining creativity and relevance in content creation is an ongoing challenge.

In conclusion, while digital marketing and social media offer tremendous opportunities for businesses, they come with potential downsides and challenges. It’s essential for companies to approach these strategies with a clear plan, a commitment to monitoring and responding to feedback, and a willingness to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

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